In this Video We are going to perform How to Install Kubernetes on AWS using KOPS.

  • 0:00 Introduction to Kubernetes KOPS
  • 11:17 Install Kubernetes on AWS using KOPS
  • 49:35 Delete Kubernetes KOPS Cluster

Kubernetes KOPS Features

  • Automatic creation of Kubernetes clusters in AWS and GCE 
  • We can create multi master with HA
  • Automatic creation of VPC, Security Groups, etc., while creating Cluster
  • Support Public and Private DNS
  • Runs in Auto scaling
  • We can Add and Edit the Cluster configuration such as Master and worker nodes 

Below are prerequisites to setup Kubernetes on AWS using kops.

  • AWS account 
  • Create a Domain to Access Kubernetes API
  • Create a Hosted Zone in Route53 and point AWS nameserver to Domain
  • Create a S3 bucket with Versioning Enabled to store Kubernetes Kops cluster state
  • IAM user with full S3, EC2, Route53 and VPC access 
  • Ubuntu 20.04/18.04/16.04 LTS with minimal installation

Follow below article for all installation steps

Related Articles:

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  5. How to Create Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm on Ubuntu | Setup Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm​​​​
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Install Kubernetes on AWS using KOPS | Setup Kubernetes Cluster on AWS using KOPS
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