This video will show you how easy it is to add Webviews to your React Native App. I will also show you how to connect a loading progress bar to the Webview so the user is aware of the loading state.

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  • 01:32 - Adding the Webview component and loading a url
  • 02:43 - Handling Webview errors
  • 04:55 - Handling injected javascript using the injectedJavascript prop
  • 06:08 - How to load from a local .html file
  • 09:31 - Sending data from javascript to your app using postMessage
  • 12:03 - Adding headers to your Webview
  • 13:23 - Adding a customized progress bar to show Webview loading progress

#react-native #mobile-apps #programming #developer

Creating Webviews and Progress Bars in React Native
2.45 GEEK