April is upon us. And there is one coin that is going to absolutely crush it more than we’ve ever seen in the history of the world. You can expect a 7,000x from this coin during the first full month of spring. You can watch your portfolio blossom into a bouquet of money. I’m of course talking about XRP

00:00​ Intro
01:35​ March picks overview
03:01​ #5 Theta
03:53​ #4 Elrond
04:28​ #3 Synthetix
05:18​ #2 Solana
06:15​ #1 Ethereum

All of our videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice.

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#blockchain #cryptocurrency

5 BEST April Altcoins (Crypto Pick EXPLOSION)
2.15 GEEK