We talk with many different organisations, all of whom are on some form of Agile transformational journey.

Some are very early in their Agile transformation – just starting to implement an Agile way of working across their delivery teams, and are at the early stages of implementing the DevOps toolsets to underpin those processes.  Much of their software delivery may still be ‘waterfall’ in nature and they may not have yet achieved an effective CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) methodology.

At the other end of the spectrum are those advanced or ‘Mature’ Agile practitioners who tend to be many months into their Agile transformation, with well established Agile methodologies (often at scale); an effective set of DevOps tooling; Delivery and Operations teams aligned to deliver in an Agile way; and business stakeholders who understand Agile principles.  As a result, these ‘mature’ Agile businesses are highly proficient at delivering quality software dependably, early and often.


Key Metrics to Track and Drive Your Agile Devops Maturity
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