How to create the chart using fmsb library.

Data visualization is important to gain insights from the data. There are many charts that we can use, such as the bar chart, histogram, line chart, radar chart, and many more. The usage of it depends on the purpose that we want to achieve.

Radar Chart, or Spider Chart, is a type of chart that displays multivariate data in a 2-dimensional chart where each variable starts at the same point.

In this article, I want to show you how to build the radar chart starting from preparing the data until the visualization of it. For the dataset, we will use the dataset that is being used on #TidyTuesday from R4DS learning community. And for the library, we will use the fmsb and tidyverse library. The final graph will look like this,

Data Description

Let me explain the data first. The data is from the #TidyTuesday event which is an event for those who want to increase their skill using R, especially on Data Visualization and also Data Wrangling. It is based on the complaints to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), and also the outcome the RSPCA has made since 1999. It consists of 3 datasets, such as they are animal_outcomes.csv, animal_complaints.csv, and brisbane_complaints.csv. Now, we just use the animal_outcomes.csv to create the radar chart.

The Process

To create the bar chart, we have to prepare the dataset first. At first, the dataset looks like this,

Image for post

The dataset consists of 664 rows and 12 columns where each row consists of the year, the animal type, the state, and what is the outcome after the RSPCA takes care of them whether it’s reclaimed or currently in care.

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Radar Chart in R: How to create the chart using fmsb library.
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