Update 1.36.1: The update addresses these issues.

Downloads: Windows: User System | Mac | Linux: snap deb rpm tarball

Welcome to the June 2019 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

If you’d like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on code.visualstudio.com.

Insiders: Want to see new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. And for the latest Visual Studio Code news, updates, and content, follow us on Twitter @code!


Hide individual status bar items

There is now a context menu for the status bar to hide and show individual entries.

Hide entries in the status bar

The configuration is persisted globally across all workspaces.

Note: The setting workbench.statusBar.feedback.visible was removed in favor of this new approach. You can hide the feedback smiley using the status bar context menu.

Tree indent guides

The tree widget now supports indent guides. This means indent guides are now available in the File Explorer, Search view, Debug views, etc.

Explorer with indentation guides

As before, you can control the tree’s indentation level using the workbench.tree.indent setting and now you can also control how indent guides behave with the workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides setting.

The possible values for workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides are:

  • onHover - Show indent guide lines when hovering on a tree. The default behavior.
  • always - Always show indent guide lines in a tree.
  • none - Don’t show indent guides.

Drag and drop a folder to copy

It is now possible to drag and drop a folder from outside VS Code into the File Explorer to copy it. Previously, when dropping a folder into the VS Code Explorer, we would always open a workspace containing that folder. Now it is possible to just copy the folder content.

Explorer drag and drop to copy

Copy paste filename incrementor change

When copy pasting files and folders that are duplicates inside the VS Code Explorer, VS Code increments the name of the pasted file. The way we were doing the incremental naming sometimes led to unexpected results.

To try to simplify naming, we now increment the filename the following way:

“hello.txt” -> “hello copy.txt” -> “hello copy 2.txt” -> “hello copy 3.txt”

Disable Alt key focus of the custom menu bar

Many users have asked to disable the behavior of focusing the custom menu bar when the Alt-key is pressed. To prevent this behavior, set the new setting, window.customMenuBarAltFocus, to false.

Minimap search decorations

When searching within a file, the resulting matches will now be highlighted both within the file and in the minimap:

Show search results in the minimap

Updated warning colors

We’ve updated list.warningForeground and editorWarning.foreground to better match the rest of the editor warning colors. You’ll see this updated color in the File Explorer, Peek error view, and editor squiggles:

Warning color update

We also updated editorOverviewRuler.findMatchForeground to better stand out with the updated warning colors in the ruler:

Find match color update

Online services settings

VS Code uses online services for various purposes such as downloading product updates, finding, installing and updating extensions, or providing Natural Language Search within the Settings editor. You can choose to turn on/off features that use these services through your user settings, which you can filter with the tag @tag:usesOnlineServices. There is now a command File > Preferences > Online Services Settings (Code > Preferences > Online Services Settings on macOS) which applies the tag in the Settings editor.

online services settings

For more information, see our telemetry documentation.

Integrated Terminal

Better default shell selector

Windows has had the Select Default Shell command for some time and last release it was added to the Integrated Terminal dropdown menu. This command is now also available on macOS and Linux and exposes the shells registered on the system by reading the /etc/shells file.

Default shell selector on macOS

Launch terminals with clean environments

The Integrated Terminal in VS Code has always acted a little differently to normal terminals, particularly on Linux and macOS. The reason is that the environment was always inherited from VS Code’s window (instance) and VS Code/Electron-related environment variables were removed, whereas a normal terminal would typically be launched from the Dock/Start menu and use the system environment. This could cause issues in certain scenarios, for example Python virtual environments were broken because of how they use the $PATH variable.

There’s a new preview option, terminal.integrated.inheritEnv, that when false causes the terminal to not use VS Code’s environment.

Instead, depending on the platform, it will do the following:

  • Linux: Fetch and use the environment of the parent process of VS Code’s “main process”.
  • macOS: Pull a handful of important environment variables off the current environment and only include them. Eventually we would like macOS to behave the same as Linux but there are currently issues with fetching environments.
  • Windows: Currently this setting does not affect Windows.

The main visible result of setting inheritEnv to false is that $SHLVL (shell level) should now be 1 and $PATH should not include duplicate paths, provided your launch scripts don’t intentionally include them.

The default value for terminal.integrated.inheritEnv is true, which is the previous behavior, but we will probably switch the value to false in the future.

Change to Ctrl+\

Previously, Ctrl+\ was mapped to the command to split the terminal on Linux and Windows but this has been changed to pass SIGQUIT through to the shell, as most people would expect a terminal to do. If you want the old behavior, you can add this keyboard shortcut to your keybindings.json file.

  "key": "ctrl+\\",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.split",
  "when": "terminalFocus"

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Visual Studio Code June 2019
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