Introduction Javascript Callback Functions for Beginners

Callbacks are a great way to handle something after something else has been completed. By something here we mean a function execution. If we want to execute a function right after the return of some other function, then callbacks can be used.

JavaScript functions have the type of Objects. So, much like any other objects (String, Arrays etc.), They can be passed as an argument to any other function while calling. In this article I will try to explain them in the simplest possible way. I hope it helps someone

Javascript Functions

In Javascript functions are objects, like strings, arrays, etc. So if it is an object, this means that you can pass wherever you want, as you would with every object. For example:

var calculateArea = function (a,  b) {
var area = a * b;
console.log("Calculated area of "+ a + " and " + b + " is equal to: " + area);
return area;

function rectangleCalculation(a, b, calculateFunction){
calculateFunction(a, b);

rectangleCalculation(5, 4, calculateArea);

In this short example, we see that the “calculateArea” function is passed to the “rectangleCalculation” function as one of the parameters, and it’s called inside it. It’s very convenient if you have some abstract functions with some common functionality and need to extract some specific functionality. For example:

var calculateArea = function (a,  b) {
var area = a * b;
console.log("Calculated area is equal to: " + area);
return area;

var calculatePerimeter = function (a, b) {
var perimeter = 2 * (a + b);
console.log("Calculated perimeter is equal to: " + perimeter);
return perimeter;

function rectangleCalculation(a, b, calculateFunction){
console.log("Input parameters: a = " + a + "; b = " + b + ";");
calculateFunction(a, b);

rectangleCalculation(5, 4, calculateArea);
rectangleCalculation(5, 4, calculatePerimeter);

At this point, I moved out parameters logging to the “rectangleCalculation” function as a rectangle cannot have more than two variables, a and b. I also added another function for perimeter calculation. From this you can see that I do not need anything to change, I can pass whatever I want to the “rectangleCalculation” function.

Javascript Callback Functions

A callback function is a function which is passed to another function, and it is it’s responsibility when to call a passed function. This is very convenient when performing long I/O operations, as it allows asynchronous behaviour. Callback functions are widely used in most Javascript frameworks. In the beginning, especially for those who programmed in Java or a similar language, it’s a little bit weird, because from a code sequence you cannot be sure that it will be executed line by line. For example:

var callDelayFunction = function(callbackFunction) {
setTimeout(function() { 
}, 3000);


callDelayFunction(function() {
console.log("Callback function");


Here from the first look at the code, it looks like “Starting”, “Callback function”, and “Ending” should be called, but actually “Starting”, “Ending”, and, after 3 seconds, “Callback function” is called. So when writing code, you need to keep in mind, especially when it involves communication with database or files I/O, that the next code which will be executed must work without data, as it will usually not be presented yet.


Callback functions are very useful as they allow you to perform time-consuming operations without blocking code execution. Of course, it has some drawbacks, and you need to change your thinking a little bit if you have worked with Java or a similar language. But this is a good thing, as stepping out of your comfort zone always brings a lot of benefits.

Code from examples can be found here.

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Introduction Javascript Callback Functions for Beginners
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