
The Nuxt team and community has recently released an expansive Nuxt Module Explorer which allows you to filer Nuxt modules by popularity, type, and Github stars.

Until I saw this explorer, I had no idea how robust the Nuxt Module ecosystem had become. I was able to find some really useful modules that I’ve used on this project and others.

The list can be pretty daunting (in an awesome way), so I figured I would boil it down to five that have helped me immensely. By no means are these the only ones I’d recommend, just five that I think are great!

TL:DR: Just show me the modules!

  1. nuxt/content
  2. nuxt/tailwind
  3. nuxt/color-mode
  4. nuxt/cloudinary
  5. nuxt/feed

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5 Nuxt Modules to Use in Your Next Project
2.05 GEEK