Simple and Customisable Autocomplete for iOS and Android


A pure TypeScript autocomplete component for React Native (iOS) (Android - Not working completely).

Autocomplete Example

How to use react-native-autocomplete


$ npm install --save @mad-family-ui/react-native-autocomplete


// ...

  return (
          {name: 'Apple', value: 'apple'},
          {name: 'Orange', value: 'orange'},
          {name: 'Grape', value: 'grape'},
          {name: 'Banana', value: 'banana'},

// ...

A complete example for iOS can be found here.


Prop Type Description
list* Array of object List of objects used as the data for the Autocomplete
zIndex number the container component will have this zIndex set. Useful when you have multiple Autocomplete in 1 Screen
labelKey* string The key searched for in the list for showing the text in the autocomplete suggestion list
valueKey* string The key searched for in the list for finding selected item
searchKeys* Array of strings This array of keys is used to filter out the suggestions from the list of objects passed
onSelectItem* (item: any) => void When Item is selected, this function is invoked to return the selected item.
defaultValue string If provided, will find the item from list using valueKey and set it selected by default
containerStyle style These styles will be applied to the container which surrounds the autocomplete component.
listContainerStyle style These styles will be applied to the container which surrounds the autocomplete suggestion list component (ScrollView).
inputContainerStyle style These styles will be applied to the input container which surrounds the input component.
inputStyle style These styles will be applied to the input component.
listItemContainerStyle style These styles will be applied to the container which surrounds the suggestion item component.
listItemTextStyle style These styles will be applied to the suggestion item.
customItemRenderer (item: any, index: number) => React.ReactElement Custom Item Renderer
noResultComponent React.ReactElement Custom No Result Component
theme “light”/“dark” Support for dark and light theme. Useful if creating an app when you are supporting phone theme used


  • Android has issues with able to detect clicks with absolute positioning. If you could help solve this issue, please help :)
  • Feel free to open issues or do a PR!

Download Details:

Author: abhigupta92

Source Code:

#react-native #react #mobile-apps

Simple and Customisable Autocomplete for iOS and Android
2.95 GEEK