If you’ve read all of the generic copy pasta BookInfo blog posts, here are ten tips about Istio that might assist you in your pursuit of a doctorate in Istio and Envoy Proxy.

How we ended up picking Istio

1. Use  Kubectl Sniff  and  Wireshark

2. Use Envoy first.

3. Read the release notes religiously.

4. Generate manifests using Istioctl over the Istio Operator.

5. When you find an example manifest

6. If you’re using Istio Ingress Gateway as ingress to your cluster on GKE

7. Request Mirroring is a powerful means of “testing in production”

8. JWT Validation provides an interesting abstraction for allowing.

9. GRPC JSON Transcoding

10. Envoy offers a way of modifying virtual host specific configurations for filters.

#microservices #gke #istio #kubernetes

Ten Tips for Running Istio in Production
1.30 GEEK