Use Flutter Google SignIn completely without Firebase which is working for Android, iOS and Flutter Web.

Source Code |


  • 0:00 Introduction Google SignIn Without Firebase
  • 0:25 Create App In Google Cloud Console
  • 1:03 Create OAuth Consent Screen
  • 2:24 Setup Google Sign In Without Firebase
  • 2:45 Sign In With Google Without Firebase
  • 3:36 Setup Google SignIn For Android / Fix Google SignIn API Exception 12500
  • 7:05 Create Android OAuth Client ID / Fix Google SignIn API Exception 10
  • 8:22 Add SHA-1 Fingerprint
  • 9:21 SignIn To Google SignIn / Create LoggedIn UI Page
  • 11:25 SignOut From Google SignIn
  • 12:16 Setup Google SignIn For Flutter Web
  • 13:42 Create Web App OAuth Client ID


Flutter Tutorial - Google SignIn WITHOUT Firebase [2021] - Android, iOS, Flutter Web
14.50 GEEK