In this step-by-step project, you’ll build a blog from the ground up. You’ll turn your Django blog data models into a GraphQL API and consume it in a Vue application for users to read. You’ll end up with an admin site and a user-facing site you can continue to refine for your own use.

Are you a regular Django user? Do you find yourself wanting to decouple your back end and front end, handling data persistence in the API while displaying the data in a client-side framework like React or Vue displays that data, in a single-page app (SPA) in the browser? You’re in luck. This tutorial will take you through the process of building a Django blog back end and a Vue front end, using GraphQL to communicate between them.

Projects are an effective way to learn and solidify concepts. This tutorial is structured as a step-by-step project so you can learn in a hands-on way and take breaks as needed.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Translate your Django models into a GraphQL API
  • Run the Django server and a Vue application on your computer at the same time
  • Administer your blog posts in the Django admin
  • Consume a GraphQL API in Vue to show data in the browser

#django #vue #graphql #web-development

Build a Blog Using Django, Vue, and GraphQL
2.70 GEEK