Our perfectus application needs authentication method, firebase provides easy ways to handle Email/Password, Phone, Google, Facebook, and other authentication methods. In our case, we will use Email/Phone authentication, but I will also cover Phone, Google, and Facebook authentication in my next articles. So let’s start with creating a Firebase Project

Creating a Firebase Project

To start implementing our Sign In functionality, first, let’s create a Firebase Project, to do that navigate to console.firebase.google.com, there press on “Add Project” button

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Next step is to give a name to your project (in our case it will be Perfectus), additionally, you can also modify a unique identifier (optional, in our case, it will be chamich-apps-perfectus)

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The next step would be to Enable or Disable Google Analitycs. Enabling Analitycs will enable such features as A/B testing, Predic user behavior, Crash-free users, etc. We will talk about these features in my next articles.

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If in the previous step you Enabled Google Analitycs, next step would be to configure it, for that just select “Default Account for Firebase” from the drop-down and “Automatically create a new property” from Analytics property drop-down

#android #firebase #authentication #kotlin #firebaseauthentication

Perfectus: Setup Firebase for Sign-in
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