The Bean Validation API is the key concept that we are going to learn today. When we work in a web application, we need to do the form validation to make sure our business logic satisfies.

To perform the bean validation/ form validation, we need the JSR 303/349/380.

Hibernate provides the implementation to the above JSR's otherwise called as hibernate validators. We are going to use the hibernate validation 6.0 series for our spring MVC app.
Here is the video map for this video:
Introduction 00:00
spring MVC form validation introduction :
Why Serverside validation?:
Client-side vs Server-side validation:
What is JSR/JCP?
Introduction to bean validation API : 
Spring MVC/ Spring Boot Form Validation hands-on:
Using the client-side and the server-side validation together:
Designing the term and condition checkbox for our app:

The Bean Validation API
1.35 GEEK