Alerts4Dynamics is productivity app for Dynamics 365 CRM that helps to create, schedule, manage and track alerts. It helps to notify and pass relevant information to target audience right within Dynamics 365 CRM. These notifications can be created and displayed indefinitely or for a defined scheduled period. Notification button is available on all entities and can be accessed from anywhere in the CRM.
• Create Announcement and Rule Based/Record Based alerts.
• Alerts can be sent as Pop-ups, Form Notifications or Email to target Dynamics 365 CRM users.
• Categorize alerts as Information, Warning or Critical.
• Track log of read/dismissed alerts by users.
• Define process start date from when the notifications will start getting created and process end date when creation of new notifications will stop. Also, add the display end date for notification.

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Alerts4Dynamics - Alerts / Notifications Management in Dynamics 365 CRM
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