
As we step into MicroServices architectures and ways to deploy these on the cloud with containers, and all the goodness of DevOps. The application functionality grows, the clusters and the number of resources in the cluster also grows, if the application is not “built-for-manage”, it’s going to be a nightmare to manage these applications, and we might end up spending more effort in managing these applications, than building them…ironically! While the world of automation technology has huge promise, and we are talking about zero-touch ops as nirvana for managing cloud applications!

According to me, Operators is the most important architectural component in the k8s world, which has a huge promise to carry us towards our zero-touch (or low-touch) ops journey.

Before I jump in…let me quickly walk you through my understanding of operators (and I am sure there are a lot of blogs, vblogs, youtube videos, which might do a better job.)

#devops #machine learning #docker #kubernetes #aiops

Kubernetes Operators to Realize the Dream of Zero-Touch Ops
1.30 GEEK