The market for Data Science has been growing extensively over recent years. As a result, the position of data scientist has emerged as a truly attractive career path option with an abundance of rewarding job opportunities.

So, to help you stay at the forefront, we’ve conducted an in-depth study on job offers in the field of data science.

And in this article, we’ll share our insights based on 1,170 data scientist job descriptions in the USA. We’ve extracted valuable information about the companies offering the position, the required educational credentials, and sought-after work experience, as well as the desired skills and techniques involved.

Let’s explore the intriguing findings together, shall we?

Data Scientist Job Descriptions 2020

What companies were targeted in the research?

The 1,170 data scientist positions in our study were posted by 357 unique companies. This is a positive sign, as:

  • The presence of many different companies means the data is more likely to be a random sample of the market and therefore not biased towards the requirements or needs of a single or few companies.
  • This also shows that the website is an active and popular job openings aggregator.

That being said, let’s take a look at the distribution of offers against the size of the company making the offer. Here’s a chart of the number of openings posted by companies with their respective number of employees:

It’s easy to see that the majority of job offers come from very big companies, with more than 10,000 employees. This could significantly skew our data towards the necessities of big corporations. However, looking beyond that, 823 of the total 1,170 job offers were posted by companies that didn’t actually have a profile on the website. Therefore, their size hasn’t been determined and is not present in the chart.

With that in mind, we can assume that bigger companies tend to register on more employment websites, while their smaller counterparts do not engage as much. So, these 823 offers could have been made by companies small enough to not register.

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Data Scientist Job Market 2020
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