Containerd, however, has graduated into its own high-level container runtime. On February 28, 2019, Containerd graduated as a project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which placed this tool alongside Kubernetes, CoreDNS, and Prometheus. The support of thousands of developers behind Containerd made it possible.
As a high-level container runtime, Containerd no longer requires Docker to run properly. It can now run on its own, with runc being its low-level container runtime. When used to deploy and manage Kubernetes, you can see Containerd as replacing Docker and Docker-shim with CRI-Containerd. Containerd has a few tricks up its sleeve too.
Containerd works with both Linux and Windows and can handle on-premise and cloud hardware without a problem. Since Containerd completely abstracts syscalls or OS specific functionality, it is the perfect solution for running containers on top of any OSes it supports. Everything, from service discovery to netlink calls, is made simple.

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What is Containerd? of The Docker Open
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