At some point, you'll run into cases where you need to read or write XML from a Node.js application. Learn your options here.

When you think about Node.js, XML probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But there are cases where you may find you need to read or write XML from a Node.js application. It is no coincidence that a search for “XML” on npm returns 3,400+ results; there is a considerable collection of XML-related packages that specialize in different ways of working with XML.

In this article, we will explore some real-world XML use cases using some of the most popular npm packages available, including:

Note that the code examples in this article are for demonstration purposes. Elaborate, working sample code is available at briandesousa/node-xml-demo.

If you want to follow along with the instructions in this article, you may want to start by generating an Express app with express-generator. Select the Pug view engine (view code examples are written as Pug templates).

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How to Read or Write XML from a Node.js Application
8.20 GEEK