For a healthy lifestyle.

No man knows what he has until he loses it.

We all know what this phrase means, but we often forget that it also applies to health. I don’t want to give life and wellness lessons with this post. Instead, share some useful tips with every programmer.

Being a programmer is not considered a dangerous profession for health, but posture, carpal tunnel syndrome, coffee overdose, and unhealthy snacks can threaten our health. But let’s see what programmers can do to live a healthy life still.

1. Maintain a correct posture while coding

2. Take breaks during the working day

3. Have a good chair

4. Avoid carpal tunnel syndrome at all costs.

5. Have a good night’s sleep.

6. Deal with anxiety and stress.

7. Exercise regularly.

8. Do not overindulge in your daily coffee consumption.

#productivity #javascript #technology

Healthy Tips that Every Programmer Can Do Everyday
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