Hello Readers! I’ve launched JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures repository on GitHub with a collection of classic algorithms and data-structures implemented in ES6 JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings and YouTube videos.

There is also Algorithms and Data Structures YouTube playlist that contains all the videos mentioned in that repository so you may just go and take this hand-made online learning course :)

So I guess you’ve already grasped the main idea of the project — helping developers to learn and practice algorithms and do it in JavaScript.

To make this process even smoother, I’ve tried to put some graphical illustrations for each algorithm and data structure where it was possible just to make the idea behind those algorithms to be easily grasped and memorized.

You also may find some practical information just in the root README file that may be handy while you’re studying. Such information as:

  • big O notation graphs — to see quickly what is worse O(n!) or, let’s say, O(n²)
  • list of some of the most used Big O notations and their performance comparisons — to get the idea of how big is 10! (it is 3628800)
  • data structures operations complexity — how fast are searches, reads, or insertions for different data-structures
  • comparative table of sorting algorithms complexity — to help you choose the proper sorting algorithm in your situation

#javascript #js #algorithms #coding

Algorithms and Data Structures Implemented in ES6 JavaScript
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