How to Transition Multiple CSS Properties

The CSS transition property characterize the effect between 2 different states of an element. CSS transition shorthand with multiple properties Syntax:

transition: <property> || <duration> || <timing-function> || <delay> [, ...];

Example – css transition multiple properties

.loveproduct {
transition: all 200ms ease;
transition-property: box-shadow, height, width, background, font-size;

CSS Transitions for Multiple Properties on One Element

.loveproduct {
transition: all 1s ease;

.loveproduct {
transition: color 1s ease;

.loveproduct {
transition: color 1s ease, margin 1s ease;

.loveproduct {
transition-property: color, margin;
transition-duration: 1s;
transition-timing-function: ease-out;

I hope you get an idea about css transition multiple properties.


How to Transition Multiple CSS Properties
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