The intended audience for this article is for users who are either new or already familiar with Unity3D and are looking for a way to publish their HTML5/WebGL application or game to AWS. Prior AWS experience in Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront would be preferred but is not required!

What is Unity3D?

Unity3D is a multi-platform game engine that is widely adopted by all kinds of organizations from startups to large enterprises. It supports a wide number of uses cases including video production, game development, and simulation.

Unity3D allows you to write code once and deploy it to multiple platforms including Xbox, Playstation, PC, Mac, Linux, and to the Web as HTML5.

What is HTML5 and WebGL?

HTML5 is a new version of HTML that provides websites with a large number of powerful features and capabilities that weren’t available before such as 2D or 3D graphics.

HTML5 has been widely available by major web browsers including Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, and many more.

HTML5 unlocks the power to deliver highly interactive, immersive, and engaging experiences on your website through WebGL.

WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins.

What are the benefits of deploying your application or game to HTML5/WebGL?

By far the biggest benefit is the wide reach and accessibility you open up your application or game to.

If you take a moment and think about how many phones, tablets, computers, and smart displays are out there that have a WebGL-capable web browser you will be quite astonished with what you find. To put it into perspective, there is about 2.2 billion iPhones sold worldwide since production began. Now imagine how many Android phones are out there, and how many tablets and computers are out there.

If you have built and published applications or games before you would know that you before you can publish it you have to give the AppStore a cut (30%) of every sale and have to follow their guidelines to the dot otherwise you risk getting your application or game removed from the AppStore.

Web applications or games don’t have that requirement and are free to publish their game however they like without having to share their revenue with others.

From the user experience side of things, you will be able to deliver your experience to your users without any friction in the experience. No more applications to download.

#html5 #aws #unity3d #webgl #games

How to publish your Unity3D HTML5 application or game to AWS
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