The last one was a hit, so here’s 20 more JavaScript memes!
1. This one is for Junior JS Devs
2. Full handshake
3. Because JS needs to be special
4. Is it alive or not?
5. Which one are you?
6. var = var
7. Oh… The classic meme
8. I don’t know .this either
9. TS ❤
10. We all are scared!
11. Not gonna lie, not the furthest from the truth.
12. How many JS Devs are needed to change a light bulb?
13. Pure evil
14. JavaScript is like Java but with the Script on the end
15. jQuery is the answer
16. I am you
17. I am unga bunga
18. Maybe too harsh?
19. But when I do I print too big numbers?…
20. And one for the end…
#javascript #memes #programming #coding #humor