Step by Step Kubernetes Deployment on a Managed Kubernetes Cluster using Helm | Linode Kubernetes Engine | Kubernetes on Cloud

In this Kubernetes Tutorial we go through a practical use case of deploying an application on a managed Kubernetes cluster using Linode Kubernetes Engine.

We will deploy a replicated database, configure its persistence and making it available with a UI client from browser using Ingress. We will also use Helm to make the process more efficient.

You will need this setup almost always for your Kubernetes cluster. No matter which database or cloud platform you use. So you can use the concept you learn in this video for many other use cases as well ✅

In detail we will deploy MongoDB on Linode Kubernetes Cluster using Helm (1.). We will create replicated MongoDB using StatefulSet component and configure data persistence for MongoDB with Linode’s cloud storage (2.).

Then we will deploy a MongoExpress, a UI client, for MongoDB database to access it from the browser (3.). For this client we will configure NGINX Ingress Controller (4.). So we will deploy Ingress Controller in the cluster and configure Ingress rule to route the request to MongoExpress internal Service (5.).

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬

  • 0:00 - Intro
  • 0:25 - Overview of what we build/deploy
  • 1:24 - Create Kubernetes Cluster on LKE
  • 4:58 - Deploy MongoDB StatefulSet using Helm
  • 15:32 - Deploy MongoExpress (Deployment and Internal Service)
  • 19:53 - Deploy Ingress Controller using Helm and configure Ingress Rule
  • 25:52 - Understand the Request Flow through the Kubernetes Setup
  • 27:11 - Delete MongoDB Pods and restart - Volumes are re-attached
  • 28:20 - Clean up - Helm uninstall, delete Volume and Kubernetes Cluster

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Step by Step Application Deployment on LKE using Helm | Kubernetes on Cloud (2/2)
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