It’s been a while since I’ve started working on datasets with BigQuery. Most of the time, I need to generate reports for several teams that work with/love spreadsheets. There are multiple ways to extract and present data (Connecting to Data Studio, Google Sheets via OWOX, etc.), but today I’m just going to show you one way.

Extracting and Saving to Google Sheets

Have your query prepared, and for those of you starting out, here’s the general syntax.

SELECT * FROM `GCP_Project_Name.Dataset.Table`

There are 2 options you can choose from when extracting:

Option 1

If your query is fairly simple and completes relatively quickly, I’d suggest to run the query from Google sheets directly using the native data connector (You may need to have a GSuite subscription for this feature).

Click on “Connect to BigQuery”, select the project, paste the query, then click “Insert results”.

#bigquery #google-sheets #data #macro #data-science

Saving Data to Google Sheets From BigQuery
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