Angular, React, or Vue? Which frontend framework is the best for you? This is one of the most asked questions in web development especially if you don’t have much experience in this sector.

During my career, I’ve worked with all of these frameworks less or more, so in this post, I would like to share what I’ve learned and also shortly explain what these frameworks do.

So hopefully, this post will give you some idea before deciding which one you should choose to learn/work with.

Actually, the first thing you should know about these frontend frameworks is that they are all based on JavaScript.

Some people start to learn a framework even before they have some understanding of JavaScript, and when they do this, later they just end up with more confusion.

Once you start working with a framework, you should be able to understand the difference between what JavaScript does and what the framework does. Because frameworks & libraries are there to help us writing JavaScript easier and faster.

So that’s why, before starting to learn any of them you should have a good understanding of JavaScript.


Angular, React, or Vue? Which JavaScript Framework to Learn in 2021?
1.10 GEEK