In this video we try to showcase how to implement the IEnumerable interface in C#. To be hones, it’s more about “why” we need to do this and that’s why we try to illustrate the concept of enumerability using two scenarios that I have recently encountered in my day to day work.

Implementing interfaces is one of the most common tasks that we face as developers. Implementing interfaces that we create it’s actually very easy since we know exactly why those interfaces were created and what are their purpose. But when it comes to implementing C# / .NET interfaces things a are slightly more complicated since the first thing we need to understand is why those interfaces were created and what their purpose is.

In this video we concentrate on implementing the IEnumerable interface, to be more specific. It’s not just a simple tutorial, as I try to showcase the “why’s” using two concrete scenarios that I have recently encountered in my day to day work!

Mentioned videos:
Implementing a Vector data type (1):
Implementing a Vector data type (2):

Table of contents:

  1. Intro: 00:01
  2. Why implementing Ienumerable on a Vector data type? 01:39
  3. Implementing IEnumerable (1st scenario) 04:46
  4. Implementing IEnumerable of T: 08:00
  5. Implementing IEnumerable of T (2nd scenario): 12:01

#c# #typescript

C# - Implementing the IEnumerable interface
1.15 GEEK