Access all the benefits of GitHub when you deploy your single-page Angular app code repositories to GitHub Pages.

There are two key web application development methods: multiple-page and single-page. The multiple-page approach usually works with a tightly coupled backend technology, like PHP or .NET MVC.

A typical single-page web application has a loosely coupled backend. In other words, single-page web applications have split client-side and server-side code.

Nowadays, the single-page development approach is popular because it brings higher maintainability factors, an impressive user experience, and good caching support. Frontend frameworks like Angular, React, Svelte, and Vue.js can be used for single-page web application development.

However, we need to have a static file server to publish the client-side code of a particular single-page application on the internet. You can either make your own static file server on a cloud service or use a static file-hosting service like GitHub Pages, which is a free service with a lot of benefits.

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can deploy your Angular application into GitHub Pages.

#angular #github #javascript #web-development

Deploying Single-Page Angular Apps to GitHub Pages
6.75 GEEK