Let me tell you the story of a small browser the Internet Explorer. At the beginning of its journey, there was a very deep love for Internet Explorer by the users, a deep and passionate love for this browser which was simply faster, better, and very much capable of anything that competition brought in the market. While users love browsers, businesses love the browser even more. The Internet Explorer dominated the market with over 91% global market share. Here in this article, I will take you through how Machine Learning Practitioners will Love Internet Explorer.

That was about 20 years ago. After years of mistreating developers, Internet Explorer has become the most hated browser in the world. It’s a relic of the past, the developers hate it. They are forced to debug work standard websites with bad developer tools. Users are frustrated because some websites are performing well while others are not at all. And companies can’t stop using it and don’t even know why they made the decision to build their exclusive web app for Internet Explorer 11 initially.

Also, Read – Machine Learning Books that You Need.

Now, the market has totally changed and Internet Explorer is hanging on with around 3% market share. Unfortunately, this number is calculated from data collected openly on the Internet. No one knows what market share Internet Explorer has internally in companies.

#machine learning

Machine Learning Practitioners Will Love Internet Explorer
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