Have you ever wondered how many ways there are to build a Ruby on Rails application with VueJS?

This is the first of three articles which explain step by step how you can build a Rails application with VueJS with some advice on which technique you should use based on your needs.

Why JSX?

JSX is an extension of JavaScript. It can be used with VueJS to build components avoiding to use .vue templates.

With this approach, we can build a large and scalable frontend easily.

JSX syntax is recommended to integrate VueJS to an existing complex project or to start a project which needs a bold framework like Solidus.

Here are some of the advantages of using JSX:

  • The backend and frontend are in the same codebase
  • We can use the Rails routes (It isn’t a SPA)
  • We can share context between application sections (e.g., product page, sliding cart)
  • We can create many Vue instances for each section
  • We don’t necessarily have to build the APIs

And some of the disadvantages:

  • We can’t use .vue templates
  • With JSX Babel preset we can’t use some Vue directives like v-for, v-if, etc.


You can find the code in this GitHub repository.


  • master: Rails products catalog application without Webpack and VueJS
  • vuejs-jsx: integration of Webpack and VueJS on the Ruby on Rails application

Let’s start

We’ll start from an existing Rails application and will move it step by step to VueJS.

Clone the repository and bootstrap the project:

$ git clone https://github.com/vassalloandrea/rails-vuejs-jsx.git
$ cd rails-vuejs-jsx
$ asdf local ruby 2.5.1 # If you use asdf as version manager
$ ./bin/setup
$ bundle exec rails s

Project overview

The application is a products catalog.

The root path shows the list of the products and clicking on one of them reveals the product details. For each product you can read, add or delete the related comments.

Our goal is to move some parts of this app into VueJS components.

Start with the Vuetification

To run VueJS code in the Rails application, we need to install Webpack which is a static module bundler.

A Rails application is usually built with Sprockets to compile and serve web assets. Both libraries can live together.

Install Webpack using webpacker gem

  1. Add the webpacker gem into your Gemfile and install it
gem 'webpacker', '~> 4.x'$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rails webpacker:install

The installation command generates all the files needed to configure Webpack on Rails.

To manage all the JS dependencies we use yarn. Install Node using your favorite version manager, I usually use asdf

$ asdf install nodejs 10.16.0
$ asdf local nodejs 10.16.0

and install yarn

$ npm i -g yarn@1.16.0

To check if the project is now working with Webpack, restart the Rails server and the webpack-dev-server

$ yarn install
$ bundle exec rails server
$ ./bin/webpack-dev-server 

2. Now add the pack link in your application.html.erb file

        <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
        <%= csp_meta_tag %>

        <%= stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
        <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>

        <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>

3. If everything is set in the correct way, you should see the Webpacker message in the browser console

How to build a Ruby on Rails Application with Vue.js using JSX

Install VueJS

1. Install VueJS using the Webpacker command:

$ bundle exec rails webpacker:install:vue

2. Remove useless files like: hello_vue.js and app.vue

3. If your project uses Turbolinks, install the vue-turbolinks library

$ yarn add vue-turbolinks

4. Edit the application.js file, pay attention here: we MUST change theapplication.js in the javascript/packs directory of the app

    /* eslint no-console:0 */

    import TurbolinksAdapter from 'vue-turbolinks'
    import Vue from 'vue'

    // Import all the macro components of the application
    import * as instances from '../instances'


    document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', () => {
        // Initialize available instances
        Object.keys(instances).forEach((instanceName) => {
            const instance = instances[instanceName]
            const elements = document.querySelectorAll(instance.el)

            elements.forEach((element) => {
              const props = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-props'))

              new Vue({
                el: element,
                render: h => h(instance.component, { props })

5. Create the instances.js file which contains all the Vue instances, the application macro-areas that you want to migrate to Vue


   // Import components
    import ProductList from './components/product/index'

    export const ProductListInstance = {
        el: '.vue-products',
        component: ProductList

6. Add your first Vue component app/javascript/components/product/index.js that shows the product list

export default {
    name: 'ProductList',

    render() {
            <h1>Products catalog</h1>

7. Replace the content of app/views/products/index.html.erb:

<div class="vue-products"></div>

If you restart the Rails and Webpack server, you should see an error:

How to build a Ruby on Rails Application with Vue.js using JSX

The problem is that Babel doesn’t have the correct preset to understand the JSX syntax with VueJS. To solve the issue, we must add the preset and configure Babel to use it.

$ yarn add @vue/babel-preset-jsx @vue/babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props

Open the Babel configuration file babel.config.js and add the preset to the presets array. At the end it should look like this:

    presets: [
        isTestEnv && [
              targets: {
                node: 'current'
          (isProductionEnv || isDevelopmentEnv) && [
              forceAllTransforms: true,
              useBuiltIns: 'entry',
              corejs: 3,
              modules: false,
              exclude: ['transform-typeof-symbol']

If you restart the Webpack server and reload the page, you should see your first component.

How to build a Ruby on Rails Application with Vue.js using JSX

Move the product list to VueJS

The fastest way to do this should be to copy the html.erb template in the component file and replace the ERB code with JSX.

In this example, I copied the content of app/views/products/index.html.erb to app/javascript/components/product/index.js and deleted the Rails code.

When you build a VueJS application, it’s very important to create a component for every piece of code that has a different context. For example: product/index.js will show the list of products but each product should be a separated component called product/card.js.

Here are the results:

  • app/javascript/components/product/index.js
    import ProductCard from './card'

    export default {
        name: 'ProductList',

        props: {
        products: Array

        render() {
                <h1 class="my-4">
                  Products catalog

                <div class="row">
                  {this.products.map(product => (
                    <ProductCard product={product} />
  • app/javascript/components/product/card.js
 export default {
        name: 'ProductCard',

        props: {
            product: Object

        methods: {
            shortDescription() {
              let description = this.product.description
              if (description.length > 50) {
                return `${description.substr(0, 50)}...`
              } else {
                return description

        render() {
              <div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-4">
                <div class="card h-100">
                  <a href={this.product.url}>
                    <img src={this.product.image} class="card-img-top" alt="" />
                  <div class="card-body">
                    <h4 class="card-title">
                      <a href={this.product.url}>
                        { this.product.name }
                    <p class="card-text">
                      { this.shortDescription() }
  • The product list component has to render the products which should be passed using props. props is a JS object which contains the params passed by the parent component. In this example, you have to pass the products to the ProductCard component when you render it.
  • app/views/products/index.html.erb
   <% props = { products: serialize('serializers/products', products: @products) }.to_json %>

    <div class="vue-products" data-props="<%= props %>"></div>
  • The serialize method is a helper method which you must add to app/helpers/application_helper.rb
    module ApplicationHelper
        def serialize(template, options = {})
              .new(self) { |json| json.partial! template, options }.attributes!
  • Product list serializer: app/views/serializers/_products.jbuilder
   json.array! products do |product|
        json.partial! 'serializers/product', product: product
  • Product detail serializer: app/views/serializers/_product.jbuilder
    json.id product.id
    json.name product.name
    json.description product.description
    json.image url_for(product.image)
    json.url product_path(product)

Now the product list page should work showing the list of the products using VueJS.

How to build a Ruby on Rails Application with Vue.js using JSX

Add Vuex to manage the application state

Vuex is a VueJS library that enables us to share the state of the application between all the Vue instances and components that use it.

If you want to pass some data from a parent to a child you could use props and the state is not needed, but what happens if a sibling component changes some data that is showed from another component?

Vuex resolves this problem centralizing the application data.

A Vuex instance, usually called store, could have many modules. Each module is a JS object which has a state, some actions, mutations and getters.

  • State: contains the JS objects initialization that should be shared between Vue instances. It can’t be modified directly from a component.
  • Actions: methods called from a component that act as a middleware between the components and the state of the application. For example, if a component wants to delete a comment, the actions should call the APIs to accomplish the request and commit the changes calling the correct mutation based on the response.
  • Mutations: list of methods that change the state of the store/application.

Install vuex

$ yarn add vuex

Configure the store: a little bit of boilerplate

  • Create the app/javascript/store/index.js file which creates the Vuex instance
    import Vue from 'vue'
    import Vuex from 'vuex'

    import modules from './modules'


    export default new Vuex.Store({
      strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
  • Create the app/javascript/store/modules/index.js file which includes all the store modules
    import product from './product'
    export default {
  • Create the modules. In this case, the store should store only the product comments app/javascript/store/modules/product.js
    const defaultState = {
        comments: []

    export const actions = {
        fillComments({ commit }, comments) {
            commit('fillComments', comments)

    export const mutations = {
        fillComments(state, comments) {
            state.comments = comments

    export default {
        state: defaultState,
  • Add the store instance to the VueJS instances in the app/javascript/packs/application.js file like this

    // Import the store
    import store from '../store'


        new Vue({
            el: element,
            render: h => h(instance.component, { props })

Install and configure i18n-js gem

This is used to share translations between Rails and Javascript.

  • Add the i18n-js gem to the Gemfile
  • Run bundle install
  • Add the //= require i18n/translations into the app/assets/javascripts/application.js file
  • Restart the server

Move the comments list to VueJS

As initially said, we can move the whole application to VueJS or only some of its sections. In this case, we are moving the product list, the comments list and the comment form.

  • Add the comments list component to app/javascript/instances.js
    // Import components
    import ProductList from './components/product/index'
    import CommentList from './components/comment/index'

    export const ProductListInstance = {
        el: '.vue-products',
        component: ProductList

    export const CommentListInstance = {
        el: '.vue-comments',
        component: CommentList
  • Comments list component: app/javascript/components/comment/index.js
    import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'

    import CommentCard from './card'

    export default {
        name: 'CommentList',

        props: {
            product: Object

        computed: {
              comments: state => state.product.comments

        methods: {
              fillComments: 'fillComments'
            thereAreComments() {
              return this.comments.length > 0

        mounted() {

        render() {
                <h4 class="my-4">Comments</h4>

                <div class="row">
                  {this.thereAreComments() &&
                    this.comments.map(comment => (
                      <CommentCard comment={comment} />

                  {!this.thereAreComments() &&
                    <div class="col-md-12">
                        { I18n.t('comments.empty') }
  • Comment card component: app/javascript/components/comment/card.js
    import { mapActions } from 'vuex'

    export default {
        name: 'CommentCard',

        props: {
            comment: Object

        methods: {
              cancelComment: 'cancelComment'

        render() {
              <div class="col-md-12 my-2">
                <div class="card">
                  <div class="card-body">
                    <h5 class="card-title">{ this.comment.title }</h5>
                    <p class="card-text">{ this.comment.description }</p>

                    <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" onClick={event => this.cancelComment(this.comment.id)}>
                      { I18n.t('comments.form.delete') }
  • Remove the comments partial: app/views/shared/_comments.html.erb
  • Replace the content of app/views/products/show.html.erb with this:
    <h1 class="my-4">
        <%= @product.name %>
        <%= link_to t('products.back'), products_path %>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-8">
            <%= image_tag @product.image, class: 'img-fluid' %>

        <div class="col-md-4">
            <h3 class="my-3">Project Description</h3>
              <%= @product.description %>

        props = {
            product: serialize('serializers/product', product: @product)

    <div class="vue-comments" data-props="<%= props %>"></div>
  • Add the comment serializer at the end of app/views/serializers/_product.jbuilder:
    json.comments product.comments do |comment|
        json.partial! 'serializers/comment', comment: comment
  • Create the comment serializer app/views/serializers/_comment.jbuilder:
    json.id comment.id
    json.title comment.title
    json.description comment.description
  • Create a couple of comments using the console:
$ bundle exec rails console    product = Product.first
    Comment.create!(title: 'This is the first comment', description: 'Comment description', product: product)
    Comment.create!(title: 'This is the second comment', description: 'Comment description', product: product)

At this point, you should see the page like before with the comment list. However, the delete comment button doesn’t work. This happens because the action deleteComment wasn’t implemented into the store.

How to build a Ruby on Rails Application with Vue.js using JSX

Install Axios to make HTTP requests

To add or delete a comment without reloading the product page, we must implement the APIs and consume them using the Axios library.

$ yarn add axios

Implement the APIs to create and delete a comment

  1. Change the config/routes.rb file
    Rails.application.routes.draw do
        root 'products#index'

        resources :products, only: %i[index show]

        namespace :api do
            resources :comments, only: :destroy

            resources :products, only: [] do
              resources :comments, only: :create

2. Remove app/controllers/comments_controller.rb

3. Create the API comments controller app/controllers/api/comments_controller.rb

4. Implement the create and destroy methods

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
        root 'products#index'

        resources :products, only: %i[index show]

        namespace :api do
            resources :comments, only: :destroy

            resources :products, only: [] do
              resources :comments, only: :create

Delete the comments

To recap, we added a button to delete a comment to the comment card component.

When the user clicks on the delete button, the component should dispatch the correct action, e.g. deleteComment.

The action calls the correct API method (which doesn’t exist yet) and it will commit the correct mutation based on the response.

If the destroy API call was successful, remove the deleted comment from the comments array.

If the destroy API call was unsuccessful, fill the errors array to show the errors.

Implement the API client with Axios

  1. Create the Axios instance app/javascript/api/instance.js
    import axios from 'axios'

    axios.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-Token'] = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content')

    export default axios.create()

2. Add the index file app/javascript/api/index.js which exports all the API modules. In this case, we use Axios only to manage the comments.

   import comment from './comment'

    export default {

3. Implement the methods that will make the HTTP request: app/javascript/api/comment.js

    import api from './instance'

    * Create a comment
    const create = (productId, commentParams) => (
        api.post(Routes.api_product_comments_path(productId), commentParams)
        .then(response => response.data)

    * Destroy a comment
    const destroy = (commentId) => (
        .then(response => response.data)

    export default {

Install and configure js-routes gem

This gem is needed to share Rails routes with JavaScript.

  1. Add the gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install:
gem ‘js-routes’

2. Require the gem in app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

//= require js-routes

3. Configure js-routes specifying which routes should be shared by creating the configuration file: config/initializers/js_routes.rb

    # frozen_string_literal: true

    JsRoutes.setup do |config|
        config.include = [

4. Run this commands and restart the Rails server:

$ bundle exec rails tmp:cache:clear

Implement the action and the mutations

  1. Import the API module in the product store app/javascript/store/modules/product.js
import api from '../../api'

2. Add the method to the actions object:

     cancelComment({ commit }, commentId) {
          .then(() => {
            commit('commentCancelled', commentId)

3. Add the method commentCancelled to the mutation object:

    commentCancelled(state, commentId) {
        state.comments = state.comments.filter(comment => commentId !== comment.id)

The commentCancelled method will filter the comments array removing the canceled comment.

At this point, the delete comment feature should work.

How to build a Ruby on Rails Application with Vue.js using JSX

Add a comment

Since we removed the comment form partial from the product show view, the form disappeared from the page. To fix this, we will create the commentForm Vue component.

  1. Create the component: app/javascript/components/comment/form.js
    import { mapActions } from 'vuex'

    export default {
        props: {
            product: Object

        data() {
            return {
              title: '',
              description: ''

        methods: {
              addComment: 'addComment'
            submitComment() {
                productId: this.product.id,
                commentParams: {
                  title: this.title,
                  description: this.description

              this.title = ''
              this.description = ''

        render() {
              <div class="row my-2">
                <div class="col-md-8">
                  <h4 class="my-4">Add new comment</h4>

                  <div class="form-label-group">
                    <input type="input" class="form-control" name="title"
                      autofocus="true" vModel_trim={this.title} />

                  <div class="form-label-group my-3">
                    <input type="input" class="form-control" name="description"
                      vModel_trim={this.description} />

                  <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value={I18n.t('comments.form.submit')}
                    vOn:click_stop_prevent={this.submitComment} />

2. Add the component to the instances file: app/javascript/instances.js

    // Import components
    import ProductList from './components/product/index'
    import CommentList from './components/comment/index'
    import CommentForm from './components/comment/form'

    export const ProductListInstance = {
        el: '.vue-products',
        component: ProductList

    export const CommentListInstance = {
        el: '.vue-comments',
        component: CommentList

    export const CommentFormInstance = {
        el: '.vue-comment-form',
        component: CommentForm

3. Add the commentForm wrapper at the end of the product show: app/views/products/show.html.erb

    <div class="vue-comment-form" data-props="<%= props %>">

Now, the comment form appears at the end of the product detail page again, but it doesn’t work.

  1. Add the addComment action that calls the create method of the APIs in app/javascript/store/modules/product.js
    addComment({ commit }, { productId, commentParams }) {
        api.comment.create(productId, commentParams)
          .then((comment) => {
            commit('commentAdded', comment)

2. Add the commentAdded mutation which updates the comments array in app/javascript/store/modules/product.js

    commentAdded(state, comment) {

Finally we’re done

Now your application uses both Rails and VueJS to render views and components. To learn how to manage errors with the comment form, you can use the repository linked above.

#vue-js #ruby-on-rails #web-development

How to build a Ruby on Rails Application with Vue.js using JSX
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