Regular expressions (or regex) are tools used to represent string patterns. They are used to detect, examine, modify, manipulate strings. Basically, if you want to find all the proper names in a text, you can use a regex. We know that a name contains only letters and starts with an uppercase letter. Regex allows us to transcribe the natural human phrase into a computer representation. Experienced with Python or Java and even Excel, they can be very useful for engineers, marketers or anyone else.

But regular expressions, at first glance, are unglamorous. One can be afraid of them, but wrongly so. With a few exceptions, they are used in the same way across all platforms. So I’m going to expose the essentials to know about regex with Python.

I have prepared you a cheat sheet you can download to sum up what will be seen in this post.

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Regular Expressions (RegEx): Plainly Explained with Cheat Sheet to Appreciate Them
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