Welcome back to my 100 Days of Data Science Challenge Journey. On day 6, I worked on Bar Chart Race Animation using Python. For today’s task, I will be using the Countries Population from 1955 to 2020 dataset available on Kaggle .

Recently, I come across a medium post on announcement off Official Release of bar_chart_race  by Ted Petrou . In his article, he provides an excellent tutorial on how to create Bar Chart Race using bar_chart_race package. Check out the official document here .

Installation of Bar Chart Race package

Install with pip:

pip3 install bar_chart_race

or using anaconda:

conda install -c conda-forge bar_chart_race

Import Required Libraries

For this project, we only need Pandas, Bar_Chart_Race libraries.

## to load data
import pandas as pd

#bar chart race
import bar_chart_race as bcr

#data-analysis #bar-chart-race #data-science #data-visualization #python

World Population from 1955 to 2020 Bar Chart Race
4.30 GEEK