Given an array of integers A[] of size N, the task is to find the minimum sum that can be obtained by any pair of array elements which are at least K indices apart from each other.


_Input: _A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, K = 2

_Output: _4


The minimum sum that can be obtained is by adding 1 and 3 that are at a distance of 2.

Input:_ A[] = {4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5}, K = 3_

Output:_ 4_


The minimum sum that can be obtained is by adding 2 and 2 that are at a distance of 4.

Naive Approach:

The simplest approach is to solve the problem is to iterate over the indices [i + K, N – 1] for every ith index and find the minimum element, say min. Check if min + A[i] is less than the minimum sum obtained so far and update minimum_sum accordingly. Finally, print the minimum_sum.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

  • Java

// Java Program to implement

// the above approach

**import** java.util.*;

**class** GFG {

// Function to find the minimum

// sum of two elements that

// are atleast K distance apart

**public** **static** **void**

findMinSum(``**int** A[], **int** K)


// Length of the array

**int** n = A.length;

**int** minimum_sum

= Integer.MAX_VALUE;

// Iterate over the array

**for** (``**int** i = 0``; i < n; i++) {

// Initialize the min value

**int** min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

// Iterate from i + k to N

**for** (``**int** j = i + K; j < n; j++)

// Find the minimum

min = Math.min(min, A[j]);

**if** (min == Integer.MAX_VALUE)


// Update the minimum sum

minimum_sum = Math.min(minimum_sum,

A[i] + min);


// Print the answer



// Driver Code

**public** **static** **void**

main(String[] args)


**int** A[] = { 4``, 2``, 5``, 4``, 3``, 2``, 5 };

**int** K = 3``;

findMinSum(A, K);





Time Complexity:_ O(N2)_

Auxiliary Space:_ O(1)_

Efficient Approach:

The above approach can be optimized using a Suffix Array. Follow the steps below:

  • Initialize a suffix array(say suffix[]), where suffix[i] stores the minimum of all the elements from index N-1 to i.
  • For any ith index, the minimum element which is K distance apart is stored at index i + K in the suffix array.
  • For i ranging from 0 to N – 1, check if A[i] + suffix[i + k] < minimum_sum or not and update minimum_sum accordingly.
  • Finally, print minimum_sum as the required answer.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

  • Java

// Java Program to implement

// the above approach

**import** java.util.*;

**class** GFG {

// Function to find the minimum

// sum of two elements that

// are atleast K distance apart

**public** **static** **void**

findMinSum(``**int** A[], **int** K)


// Length of the array

**int** n = A.length;

**int** suffix_min[] = **new** **int**``[n];

suffix_min[n - 1``] = A[n - 1``];

// Find the suffix array

**for** (``**int** i = n - 2``; i >= 0``; i--)


= Math.min(suffix_min[i + 1``],


**int** min_sum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

// Iterate in the array

**for** (``**int** i = 0``; i < n; i++) {

**if** (i + K < n)

// Update minimum sum

min_sum = Math.min(

min_sum, A[i]

+ suffix_min[i + K]);


// Print the answer



// Driver Code

**public** **static** **void** main(String[] args)


**int** A[] = { 1``, 2``, 3``, 4``, 5``, 6 };

**int** K = 2``;

findMinSum(A, K);





_Time Complexity: _O(N)

_Auxiliary Space: _O(N)

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#arrays #greedy #mathematical #searching #suffix-array

Minimum Sum of a pair at least K distance apart from an Array
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