Customers tell us there are many benefits and opportunities to reduce costs that can be unlocked from migrating and modernizing Microsoft and Windows Server-based workloads to Google Cloud. We recently worked with the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to run an economic validation study across Google Cloud customers who have migrated or modernized their Microsoft and Windows Server-based workloads to the cloud. What they found quantifies and reinforces what we are hearing from customers.

According to the ESG study, customers that move Windows workloads to Google Cloud can see the following benefits:

  • Significantly reduced licensing and hardware costs—from 32% to to 88% depending on workload
  • Improved agility and a better customer experience, for example, 65% improved load times
  • Reduced risk and an improved security posture
  • The ability to leverage managed services for license usage and manageability efficiency

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Migrating Microsoft workloads to Google Cloud yields results
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