Learn how to implement infinite scrolling using React with the component state and an onscroll event handler.

Infinite scrolling is when a user reaches the bottom of a page and new content is fetched and loaded so the user can continue to scroll in a relatively seamless experience. This is an alternative to other pagination solutions which use numbered pages or buttons that load more content.

You may have encountered infinite scrolling in applications like Instagram. You are presented with a feed of images and as you scroll down, more images keep showing up. Over and over and over until they run out of content to give you.

In this tutorial, you will touch upon the two key concepts that allow infinite scrolling to work - detecting when the user has reached the bottom of the page and loading the next batch of content to display. You will use these concepts to construct a display of astronomy photos and videos.

#react #javascript #web-development

How To Implement Infinite Scroll in React
2.75 GEEK