**Online Round: **There were multiple sets. Each set contained four sections.

  1. Code Debugging section(20 minutes)
  2. Coding section(70 minutes)
  3. Work Style Assessment(10-15 minutes)
  4. Logical Ability(35 minutes)

Except for the coding section and work style assessment other sections were MCQ type. In these sections, speed mattered.

Coding questions:

  1. It was based on hashing. After little thinking, the question simply got reduced to calculate two values in an array having sum equal to a given integer k. Simple 5-7 lines of code were sufficient to pass the given test-cases (Difficulty-Easy )
  2. It was based on strings. We were given a string consisting of words separated by spaces or punctuation. Another vector of strings was given which were to be excluded. We had to return a vector consisting of strings having max frequency. It was simply a hashing based question, there were some strong corner cases which were to be handled. (Difficulty-Medium)

31 students were shortlisted for interviews. The interview process(Organized through Amazon Chime App) consisted of one round.

**Round 1 (Technical): **First, the interviewer told me to introduce myself. Then 4 coding questions were asked one by one.

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Amazon Interview Experience for SDE
1.30 GEEK