ata visualization is a scientific method of finding out the patterns, anomalies, and outliers in the data. It is a method that is used to create the graphs and plots which helps in finding out the trend in the data because it makes data simpler in terms of understanding by the human brain and we identify trends with naked eyes.

Python provides different visualization packages that help in creating different types of charts, graphs, and plots. Pygal is an open-source python library that not only creates highly interactive plots but also creates SVG images of the graphs/plots so that we can use it and customize it accordingly. Pygal is highly customizable and creates graphs with a few lines of code.

Pygal creates a variety of plots like a bar, area, histogram, line, etc and due to the high scalability of the images of the plot downloaded as SVG, we will have good quality images that can be embedded into different projects, websites, etc.

In this article, we will go through different charts that we can create using pygal and also see how we can download them in the SVG format.


We will start exploring pygal but before that, we need to install pygal using pip install pygal.

  1. Importing required libraries

We will be importing pygal for visualization and pandas for importing the dataset for which we will be creating the visualizations.

import pandas as pd

import pygal

  1. Loading the Dataset

We will be working with an Advertisement dataset that contains different attributes like ‘TV’, ‘Radio’, etc. and a target variable ‘Sales’.

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Complete Tutorial on Pygal: A Python Tool for Interactive and Scalable visualization
3.10 GEEK