In this post, we discuss three most commonly asked question types from “lists” in a python technical screening. These questions and their variants are common in a technical screening testing your knowledge on array handling and logical thinking. All these questions are from the “Easy” category and usually asked in pairs in a 45 mins phone interview.

Thanks, Divyam Solanki for providing elegant solutions to the problems.

Unique Email Filtering:

We all know that any email consists of two components,i.e Local name, and _Domain name. _Both components are separated by @ sign.

alice → Local name; →Domain name;

Now, besides the @ sign they can also contain ‘ . ’ or ‘+’ sign. We know that the ‘ . ’ sign does not mean anything in the local name. It has significance only in the Domain name. _is the same as by default. (This rule is only for the local names)

Now, for the ‘+’ sign, everything after the + is ignored by default. is the same as…(Again this rule is only for the local domain names)

Now that we have sufficient knowledge to segregate the effective email addresses, we shall discuss the question upfront.

Given a list of emails, we send one email to each address in the list. How many different addresses actually receive mails?

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Three must-know “Lists” questions for your next Python technical screening
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