Kubernetes Persistent Volumes NFS tutorial will cover creating and attaching NFS volumes to Kubernetes pods. We are going to create a network file system in AWS which is called EFS. We will create a Kubernetes NFS provisioner and provide an EFS IP address. Also, we will create a storage class based on that provisioner. Finally, we will create a persistent volume claim with the ReadWriteMany attribute and mount it to separate applications to test shared access to that volume.

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0:00 Intro
2:15 Create EFS File System
6:04 Create Kubernetes NFS Provisioner
12:35 Create EFS Storage Class EKS
18:44 Create NFS Persistent Volume Claim
22:25 Share ReadWriteMany Volume with 2 Apps

Source Code
📚 - Instructions: https://antonputra.com
🖥️ - GitHub: https://github.com/antonputra/tutorials/tree/main/lessons/041

🎙 - Twitter: https://twitter.com/antonvputra
📨 - Email: me@antonputra.com

#Kubernetes #EFS #NFS #AWS

#kubernetes #aws

Kubernetes Persistent Volumes NFS(AWS|EKS|EFS Storage Class|EFS Provisioner|ReadWriteMany)
1.65 GEEK