Using a custom MSSQL query in spring

I'm trying to run a custom query in spring with an MSSQL DB:

@Query(value = "SELECT my_id, date, name " +
    "FROM my_events " +
    "WHERE name == :name " +
    "AND date between :starttime and :endtime " +
    "ORDER BY date DESC",
    nativeQuery = true)
List<myDAO> findByNameAndDateBetweenOrderByDateDesc (
    @Param("name")String name,
    @Param("starttime")String starttime,
    @Param("endtime")String endtime

When running the application without the custom query I'm getting:

Name for parameter binding must not be null or empty! On JDKs < 8, you need to use @Param for named parameters, on JDK 8 or better, be sure to compile with -parameters.; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name for parameter binding must not be null or empty! On JDKs < 8, you need to use @Param for named parameters, on JDK 8 or better, be sure to compile with -parameters.

When running the application without the @Query annotation (using the CrudRepository) it works fine.

The query will be changed to a more complicated query once I figure out the simplified one above, this is why I can't use the CrudRepository function.

#sql-server #spring-boot

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