My experience with CSS first started when I was trying to style my very first non-functional ugly-looking login page. Since then, I learned a lot about writing functional well-organized CSS code. All web-developers need to be good at HTML/CSS, but they don’t have to be experts.

Here are some of my ideas that will get you and going with writing good CSS.

Before we get started, shout out for Microverse For giving me the chance to go deep on things that I took my knowledge on for granted, like how to write good CSS.

1. Write well-structured HTML:

A well-structured HTML document is a doorway to write good CSS.

The most common problem that programmers face when writing CSS is that they don’t have a well-structured HTML document and therefore have issues with positioning and styling elements.

Here is a W3scooles HTML style guide that should get you up and running and, Here is an article by Fahreyad Hossain on HTML Best Practices.

2. Use Reset CSS:

Reset CSS is a short set of CSS rules that resets the styling of HTML elements to a baseline, removing the browser’s default ’ User-Agent ’

stylesheet, This way you won’t have to worry about the default stored attributes when starting to style your website.

There are a lot of Reset CSS stylesheets out there like the one from []( CSS Reset (or “Reset,unstyled websites appear more legible.) or the one from But, I would recommend that you create your own by making a template stylesheet that groups all the HTML tags that you use.

You can also copy one of the stylesheets that I mentioned and delete all the HTML tags that you don’t use.

#css #html

6 Tips to Write A Better CSS For Beginners
1.10 GEEK