Sites with a high rate of link acquisitions were winners in the local search space, according to the results of new research from Jeff Coyle (@jeffrey_coyle) of MarketMuse (@MarketMuseCo).

Coyle also noted that thin pages that were supported by off-page factors like links were also suffering, as if those links were no longer helping.

It’s good to be aware of the change.

But it’s prudent to not make assumptions based on that knowledge.

Coyle did not say that those were the reasons for the changes.

What he described were unusual patterns.

Google Nofollow Hint Changed March 2020

Something to keep in mind is that March 1, 2020 is the date that Google was supposed to begin using Nofollow as a hint for crawling and indexing purposes.

Google was already using nofollow as a hint for ranking purposes, according to Google’s official announcement in September 2019.

A further change was set to happen in 2020. We’re now two months past that date when a change in crawling and indexing has happened.

#news #seo #ai

Links, AI & the Google May 2020 Update
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