There is probably a time when you need to test your connection throughput to the public cloud, for example when you want to measure if you already have enough bandwidth to have an on-premise and cloud connection.

For this purpose, we can use iperf. Iperf can be used to measured TCP throughput, UDP jitter, and can also be used for bidirectional testing.

Before we continue, there are few things that need to be considered:

  • Throughput on the public cloud also affected by your instance size. Small instance size tends to have a lower NIC throughput compared to the bigger instance.
  • Public cloud also offers TCP/UDP optimization service as well as caching service if you use HTTP-based application.
  • Public cloud bandwidth will rarely be the cause of low throughput. They have tons of resources in that area.

With that in mind, let’s try measuring throughput public cloud providers. We will use Google Cloud for example.

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Measuring Connection Throughput to Public Cloud
1.30 GEEK