A recipe-sharing social networking application with ReactJS and Django


A recipe-sharing social network application where users can create their own recipes or explore others’ recipes to save to their collection.

Profile Feed
Profile Feed


  • Register an account or click “Try it out!” to use the app.

  • Create, edit, delete your own recipes.

  • Go to the explore page to search other users’ profiles. Add users whose recipes you like to your friends list.

  • Check your feed to keep up with all the recipes your friends have added.

  • See a recipe you like? Favorite it by clicking the heart, and quickly access it from your own profile.


Install dependencies:

Navigate to the root project folder and run the following command to install the necessary Python dependencies:

pip install -r backend/requirements.txt

Generate a Django secret key and place in line 23 of ‘Cookstagram/backend/appmain/settings.py’

Create the database by navigating to ‘Cookstagram/backend/’ and running the following two commands:

python manage.py makemigrations

python manage.py migrate

Navigate to ‘Cookstagram/frontend/’. Install node dependencies by running the following:

npm i

Download Details:

Author: oqueuo

Demo: https://cookstagram.recipes/login

Source Code: https://github.com/oqueuo/Cookstagram

#reactjs #react #django

A recipe-sharing social networking application with  ReactJS and Django
16.25 GEEK