Google Cloud VMware Engine became generally available a couple months ago - providing everything an enterprise might need to non-disruptively migrate and run its VMware environment natively in Google Cloud, to benefit from Google Cloud’s high performance and scalable infrastructure, while reducing the operational burden and cost of managing infrastructure.

Customers from around the world have expressed overwhelming interest in the service, spanning use cases and industries including telecommunications, retail, manufacturing, financial services, and healthcare. To ensure we can serve those global customers, we’ve been working to expand our regional footprint. Today, we’re delighted to announce that Google Cloud VMware Engine is now available globally in the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific, with the expansion into the europe-west3 (Frankfurt), europe-west2 (London), and asia-northeast1 (Tokyo) regions. The service is now live and generally available in five regions, building on existing availability in us-east4 (Ashburn) & us-west2 (Los Angeles).

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Google Cloud VMware Engine now runs in London, Frankfurt and Tokyo
1.30 GEEK