Golang (or Go) is an open-source compiled programming language that is used to build simple, systematic, and secure software. It was designed by Google in the year 2007 and has been readily adopted by developers all over the world due to its features like memory safety, structural typing, garbage collection, and similarity to C-language.

Golang web frameworks are used to write application programming interfaces (APIs) and web services straight away. During building small applications, frameworks are not necessary but are needed in production-level software. Even knowing the features and having the knowledge, it takes a huge amount of time in coding a debugging production-level program. Due to this reason, frameworks are often used. Frameworks provide additional functionalities and services that can be used by other developers who want to add similar functionalities in their software rather than writing the full-fledged software by themselves.

Let’s look at these frameworks in details and compare them on the basis of their functionalities and ease of use:

  • gin
  • beego
  • echo
  • kit
  • fasthttp

#go #golang

Top 5 Golang Frameworks in 2020
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