_JavaScript _is Everywhere. Millions of webpages are built on JavaScript and it’s not going anywhere at least for now. On one side HTML and CSS give styling to the web pages but on the other side, it’s the magic of JavaScript that makes your web page alive. Today this language is not just limited to your web browser. You can also use it for server-side applications. Isn’t it cool to use a single language for both client-side and server-side applications? A single language fulfills both of the purposes and this is the main reason TON of job posting is there for javascript developer in the tech industry.


According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019 Javascript is #1 programming language. The language is widely used by 95% of all the websites which you can check here. Whether it’s a small startup or a big company, most of them are working on some kind of website or an app that requires a good knowledge of this language. A lot of frameworks and libraries are there for javascript. These frameworks and libraries can be easily learned if your javascript fundamentals are clear. A lot of concepts are confusing and overwhelming for developers but a good knowledge of these concepts will help you in the along run. Frameworks and libraries come and go but the fundamentals always remain the same. It’s easy to build any kind of application and learn any framework and libraries if the fundamentals are clear. Also, it will help you in interviews as well. Let’s discuss some of the basic concepts of javascript which are important to learn for any javascript developer.

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7 JavaScript Concepts That Every Web Developer Should Know
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