This is a quick post to go through the steps to load, initialize and use the Facebook JS SDK in an Angular application.

The below code snippets are from an Facebook login tutorial I posted yesterday, for the full tutorial and live demo of the code see  Angular 10 - Facebook Login Tutorial & Example.

Load the Facebook SDK in an Angular App Initializer

The app initializer runs before the Angular app starts up to load and initialize the Facebook SDK, and automatically log the user into the Angular app if they are already logged in with Facebook.

When an app initializer function returns a Promise like this one, the Angular app waits for the promise to be resolved before it starts, so you can be sure that the Facebook SDK is initialized and the FB object is ready to be used as soon as the Angular app starts.

The app initializer is added to Angular app in the providers section of the app module (/src/app/app.module.ts) using the APP_INITIALIZER injection token. For more info see

#angular #facebook #facebook sdk

How to Use the Facebook SDK in an Angular App
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