The COVID-19 situation has made business models around the world to rethink their strategies

The COVID 19 situation, has rendered the industry into an unprecedented situation. Businesses across the globe are now resorting to plan out new strategies to keep the operations going, to meet clients’ demands.

Work-from-Home is the new normal for both the employees and the employers to function in a mitigated manner. Twitter on their tweet had suggested their employees, to function through “Work-from-Home”, forever, if they want to. This new trend can be easily surmised as being effective for a while to manage operations, but cannot be ruled out as the necessary solution, for satisfying the customers and clients in the long run.

Companies need to employ ethically approved ideas and strategies that would assure employees, clients, and customers, without breaching the data.

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Artificial Intelligence in Business: The New Normal in Testing Times
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